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My Story

Hello everyone! I am Kara Thompson. I am a wife, mama, student, teacher, and coffee addict. During the week I am a  3rd grade teacher in Canton, MI. This year I have taken on a new role as a Virtual Academy teacher for Plymouth Canton Public Schools. Previously I have taught second and third grade at Forest Edge Elementary in Reston, Virginia. 

As a teacher, I have a variety of experiences teaching, collaborating, and leading both students and colleagues.  These experiences have given me opportunities to work with individuals of different ages and abilities, as well as different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. I believe that all students are entitled to an enriching education and that a quality educator is the root of this. As a teacher I strive to always build positive and authentic relationships with all stakeholders and to provide an equitable education to all students. In my lessons I provide differentiated instruction and intentional practice. Through virtual learning experiences, I have provided small group and individual conferencing as well as accommodations for students with IEPs and 504s. I consistently push myself to learn and implement current best practices in core subjects as well as in social and emotional curriculum. While I love teaching and being in the classroom, I also feel that I have the leadership and interpersonal skills to lead staff towards being culturally responsive educators. In the past four years I have served on a multitude of committees and held various leadership positions that have given me the tools to run professional developments, school wide meetings, and Professional Learning Communities.

Before entering my Master program, I knew that I was searching for more. I wanted more understanding of best practices, more insight what makes a great leader, and more strategies for providing an equitable education for all students. Through my last 5 years of teaching and my Masters, I have learned many skills, strategies, and ideas that will move me closer to my goal of being a school principal. I strive to help a school, and subsequently a community, into the future through promoting strong leadership skills for all staff, students, and families that I work with.



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